Pioneering the Clean Tech Future with National Grid Partners

Raghu Madabushi, Director of National Grid Partners
At the forefront of the clean energy shift, National Grid Partners champions innovation and collaboration to reach ambitious net-zero goals

As a beacon in the utility venture capital landscape, National Grid Partners stands out, especially as an official ally of last year's COP28 summit in Dubai.

This collaboration is fundamental in bringing together utilities and startups for the net-zero challenge.

Guided by the experienced Raghu Madabushi, the company sharpens its focus on investments to fast-track net zero achievements. With a robust background in decarbonisation and enterprise infrastructure investments, Raghuram's expertise is unparalleled.

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A proud Kauffman Fellow, he is deeply invested in decarbonisation and decentralisation. He recognises the pivotal role of current global conflicts, from Israel to Ukraine, in disrupting supply chains and escalating costs, which he sees as a more substantial catalyst for net zero than the COVID-19 pandemic.

This scenario, while potentially a setback for the clean energy transition, also opens doors for significant opportunities.

Here, Raghuram sheds light on what's next for climate tech and clean tech firms, emphasising their critical part in the journey towards net zero.

Q. Do you feel this is a defining time for clean tech and climate tech?

Absolutely. We’re seeing strong tailwinds coming from COP28 this past year, where more than 190 governments agreed to triple renewables by 2030 and move away from fossil fuels. Moreover, the world in conflict is a net zero catalyst. With active warfare from Israel to Ukraine to the Red Sea disrupting supply chains and driving up costs, the clean energy transition is facing a forcing function even more consequential than the pandemic. It could be a massive setback or a massive acceleration, depending on whether utilities and investors embrace the opportunity. It’s also a big year for elections around the world, which will lead to new policies with direct impacts on innovation and climate tech. 

Q. What do you think will be key drivers in working towards a greener future?

Government policy can play a vital role moving us in the right direction. The Inflation Reduction Act in the US has accelerated innovation and helped scaled new technologies from electric cars to electrolysers. New technologies that can scale and compete without deep subsidies will win the long-term economics against incumbents. We also believe more governments will follow the lead of the EU and California with emissions disclosure mandates, which in turn will drive more climate-friendly policies among corporations. And we’re already seeing new policies like carbon taxes in the EU stimulating new markets for green materials. 

Q. Are there any key strategies or initiatives that you feel will spearhead change moving forward?

There’s a lot of work that needs to be done to meet the United Nations’ pledge to reach net zero by 2050, and now it's showtime for companies to meet the ambitious goals they publicly announced. Additionally, the recent pledge made at COP28 to triple renewables — along with the Inflation Reduction Act — creates big momentum for energy investors, as startups in the sector are poised to break out. 

Q. What key changes do you think will need to take place to ensure that the industry and wider world puts its best foot forward regarding energy and climate?

The answer is simple — clean tech needs to scale in order to bring down prices and increase demand. Most people make consumer decisions based on affordability, and many clean options are still more expensive than their non-clean counterparts. Keeping our foot on the accelerator with policy support, investor pressure and innovation are essential to continue driving down prices and increasing adoption. 

Q. Do you feel optimistic about the future of energy when it comes to net zero and decarbonisation efforts?

Absolutely. The biggest companies and governments on the planet actively care about decarbonisation and that’s a significant difference from where we were just five years ago. And we’re seeing an explosion of startup innovation helmed by experienced leaders who lived through the Cleantech 1.0 cycle and have internalised those lessons. 

We’ve never been in a better position to tackle climate change for once and for all.


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